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Monday, May 01, 2006

No Information in Ameriphobic Pravda

The April 28th issue of Pravda ("the Truth") contained a vicious America-bashing diatribe that currently leads the paper's website and begins by stating:

If one symbol were selected as a “Wonder of the World,” to represent America, it would probably be Las Vegas. But America is also about Hollywood, breast and hair implants, corporate capitalism, hula hoops, MTV, unreal reality shows. For other societies, Americanism is the culture of death, because Americanism disrupts and destroys authentic human cultures.
The article is signed "Stojgniev O’Donnell" but this is undoubtedly a pen-name, as is quite a common practice in major Russian newspapers. It concludes:
True human multiculturalism is a marvelous thing. America’s multiculti is a lie, outrageous as the grossest piece of Soviet
. The Soviet Union, ultimately, was consigned to
the trash heap of human history. Without the Soviet threat, Americanism is now irrelevant. As with other once great civilizations, America and Americanism are perishing.
La Russophobe can't help wondering how Mr. O'Donnell would feel if an American columnist felt that the best single symbol that could be chosen to represent Russia today would be Chernobyl or Chelyabinsk.

And if America, with a rising population, is "perishing" what Russia, with a population that is falling, may be doing?

And finally, La Russophobe wonders why the author chooses to overlook the neo-Soviet threat, described in an article previously posted by La Russophobe from a respected scholar in the Washington Post as being potentially worse than Al Quaeda. After all, perhaps the neo-Soviet Union can save America from its cruel fate?

La Russophobe is reminded, reading this vacuous neo-Soviet propaganda, of the old Soviet motto: "There is no information in Pravda ["truth"] and no truth in Izvestia ["information"]."

La Russophobe also wonders whether those who attack russophobia will spend an equal amount of time attacking Pravda for its ameriphobia and whether, if they do, Pravda will publish their attacks as does La Russophobe. La Russophobe doubts it.

1 comment:

La Russophobe said...

La Russophobe has just realized that, if Pravda is correct and the USSR was indeed "consigned to the trash heap of human history," then doesn't this make those who are now in the process of creating the Neo-Soviet Union garbage pickers?