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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Is there something David Johnson isn't telling us?

If you visit the famous blog of David Johnson, circulator of the estimable Johnson's Russia List e-mail, you will find a large number of special topics of interest to Russia watchers where the content of the e-mails are thoughtfully and carefully organized.

You will find for instance:

  • US-Russia
  • Media
  • Oil
  • Chernobyl
  • Crime
  • Culture
  • Economy
  • Transformation
  • Opportunties
  • Putin/Power
  • Human Rights
  • Nuclear
  • Bird Flu
  • Belarus, Chechya, Ukraine, Tadjikistan, China, Georgia
  • Population tragedy
  • Alcohol
  • ... and numerous other topics.
But what you won't find is "race murders" or "hate crimes." You'll be looking for it, of course, because as a seasoned Russia-watcher you'll know that, as MosNews reports, this year, which is not even half over, has already seen 14 racial killings and 92 injuries in the course of 100 attacks, basically one every other day. La Russophobe has already documented three such incidents and the blog has not even existed for one month yet.

But, you may think, no doubt that is covered under the "human rights" rubric. Right?

Actually, wrong. Under that topic on the main page of the blog there is only reference to a document dated April 6th from the State Department and called "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy." That document doesn't even mention the word "hate" or "race," but deals instead with a different topic, though admittedly an important one, namely Russia's abuse of foreign-supported NGO humanitarian organizations.

Another link is offered under human rights, to the archive items. Here there are only four additional items published in 2006, and none of them deal with race/hate crimes.

But wait! You say you think that maybe the race crimes would, quite logically, be found under the "Crime" topic instead? Good thought! Let's check, shall we?

Oops. Nice thought, no dice. Only one article there, it's something about the Constitutional Court.

Has David Johnson fully reported on the litany of race crimes that have occurred in 2006? If not, why not? If so, why aren't these articles readily accessible on the main page of his blog? Is this an accidential omission from the blog main page, or an intentional one? Or is La Russophobe simply too clumsy to find them on the blog main page (always a distinct possiblity).

La Russophobe doesn't receive the JRL mailing so she can only rely on the blog, and she would like to know. Can anybody help?


Anonymous said...

More nonsense.

JRL frequently covers the race issue in Russia.

La Russophobe said...

I didn't say he didn't cover it. I said if he does, why isn't the coverage indexed on the main page of his blog? Or, if it is indexed, and I just can't find it, where is it?

Can you read at all, you skeevy little troll? I guess you learned to read in Russia, huh?

Anonymous said...

Let's see, who's having trouble reading?

"Has David Johnson fully reported on the litany of race crimes that have occurred in 2006? If not, why not?"

That's what you wrote.

Incidentally, you DON'T get JRL?

We're supposed to take you seriously, right?


La Russophobe said...


"Has David Johnson fully reported on the litany of race crimes that have occurred in 2006? If not, why not? If so, why aren't these articles readily accessible on the main page of his blog? Is this an accidential omission from the blog main page, or an intentional one? Or is La Russophobe simply too clumsy to find them on the blog main page (always a distinct possiblity)."


La Russophobe said...

IVAN: My, but you're a moron. You've already said repeatedly long before I mentioned the JRL that you don't take me seriously. Did you buy your brain in a Russian shop?

Oh and, by the way, you aren't part of any "we" you are just "you." That's all. Just you.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious. Why do double and triple post? There were only two minutes between those posts.

I imagine you exploding in rage when you read a comment. Coffee sprays from mouth across the screen. You quickly hammer out a reply.

Then, wait! You thought of something else! Darn it all anyway!! I'm going to give that guy a piece of my mind!!!!

JRL is a mail out. If you want to find out what's in it, I'd suggest you subscribe to it, if you're genuinely interested in Russia, and not just firing empty rhetoric for your 10 or so readers (roughly eight of whom think you're a moron, judging from the comments).

Who cares what's on the website? I just went to CNN and Fox News. They list dozens of stories and topics they both cover... but I can't find one for the topic "Teenage gun-craze killers in mid-America"! I suspect a conspiracy of silence. Must mean they're deliberately avoiding the story!

Get it?


ps. A park. Real people. Sunshine. All excellent things.

La Russophobe said...

IVAN: I care what's on the JRL's website. I care whether the JRL cares or doesn't care about the dark skinned people who are dying in Russia. What I don't care about is whether you care or not. Because I've never seen you do anything constructive about any problem, I've never seen you add one shred of value to any conversation. I've only seen you bark like a very little ignorant dog. In fact, if you ever agree with me on anything, that's when I'll start to think I might be wrong. As for your request to be allowed to decide how many times I should post responses to comments on this blog, your request has been duly considered and it is denied.

La Russophobe said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
La Russophobe said...

IVAN: PS, your jealousy is showing ;)

Anonymous said...

Got a bit carried away and deleted your own post, eh?


La Russophobe said...

So let's see, it's bad if I put up a post and it's bad if I take one down too, right? My, but your a perfect model of Russian consistency.


Anonymous said...

Forgive me. I had visions of you spewing yet more bile.

Then reading.

Then, in a moment of clarity, saying: "But wait, I sound ridiculous!"


La Russophobe said...

You know, if you load me down with any more heavy substantive content contradicting any of the statements put forth on this blog, my poor little head would spin. I just hope one day I can learn to be as impressively substantive as you.