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Monday, July 10, 2006

So Much for Putin's Policies: Umarov Declares War on Russia Itself

Newsblaze reports that despite his 70% approval ratings Russian "President" Vladimir Putin's policies have utterly failed to bring peace to Chechnya after many years of on the job:

Night Watch: TEHRAN - KavkazCenter reports that the Chechen leader Dokka Umarov has signed a decree which has been distributed by Chechen mass-media, "In connection with necessity of escalating of efforts on counteraction to the armed aggression of Russia, expansion of a zone of military actions and to perform of important military political problems..."[KAVKAZ]

This means that with Tehran-Ankara's logistical-financial support Islamic Chechen units, along with other Islamic fighters alongside them, are announcing their expanding the war with Moscow beyond the North Caucasus - Caspian region to the Volga, which empties into the northern Caspian and to the Urals mountains, which almost bisects Russia. Regional Islamic commanders were also named: Amir Assadulla in the Urals and in the Volga Amir Jundulla. This is a follow up to an announcement on recently that the Chechens Islamic units were going to "cross the Volga" this summer. This will be a severe test of Russia's new army as it attempts to become more professional. This obviously increases the risk to energy operations in the region.

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