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Friday, September 01, 2006

Neo-Soviet Russia's Love Affair with Terror

Here's a hot one: Writing in Asia Times, Federico Bordonaro, "senior analyst" with something called the Power and Interest News Report, exposes the truly outrageous and horrifying nature of Russian support for global terrorism. He also documents the Kremlin's consolidation of power. And his conclusion? It's unbelievably this: Russia is only supporting international terrorism because of an inferiority complex engendered by the expansion of NATO. In other words, Russia got its feelings hurt in the 90s, that is why it is supporting global terrorism in the 00s. All we need to do to control these actions by Russia is to strike a "grand bargain" with Putin (you know, the same kind Chamberlain struck with Hitler), showing Russians that we love them and respect their opinions, and then they'll become civilized. Psychological forces sure are at work here, but Mr. Bordonaro is their victim. It's so much easier and more comfortable to think of the Putin regime as "misunderstood" than evil, isn't it? That means all we have to do is be nicer to it and it will be nicer to us. On the other hand, if the Kremlin is dominated by a clan of crazed KGB functionaires steeped in hatred of the west and yearning for revenge not because of what happened after the USSR fell but because of the fall itself, that means we're in for decades more cold war with the risk of a thermonuclear hot one. It's the Chamberlain Complex: the preferred response among cowards is to stick your head in the sand and hope for the best.

1 comment:

La Russophobe said...

Technologist: Your ignorance is quite profound. Maybe one day you will become enlightened enough to realize that "Russian" isn't a race but a nationality. Until then, you'll just be an ignorant simpleton facilitating the rise of dictatorship in Russia just the way Neville Chamberlain facilitated the rise of Adolf Hitler, and the world will remember you as such (and properly scorn you).

Naturally, like a proper neo-Soviet propagandist, you provide not one shred of course material to back up your absurd claim that the U.S. provided assistance for Chechen terrorists. If you believe that Russia is only helping terrorists who want to kill Americans because America is helping terrorists who want to kill Russians, you probably also believe that having a proud KGB spy rule over Russia is good for the country. In other words, you're far more dangerous the future of the Russian people than any Russophobe.