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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Russians Love Dictatorship, Spurn Democracy, Spiral to Doom

MOSCOW. June 8 (Interfax) - Over half of all Russians - 59% - believe that the Russian constitution should be amended so that incumbent President Vladimir Putin has the chance to be elected to a third term, while 29% are opposed, according to a poll conducted by the Yury Levada Analytical Center in late May. Only 32% of those polled believe that Putin will keep his word and not nominate himself for the presidency in 2008. In the view, of 18%, he will change his mind under the pressure from his retinue, and another 18% believe that "he will likely see that there are no other deserving candidates in the country and will agree to run for a third term." The poll showed that 77% approve of how Putin is doing his job as president to one or another extent and 18% do not.

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